Inside-out Legal Ser­vices is the prod­uct of Vel­lum LLC, an Alaska law firm that aims to redesign legal ser­vices for the small busi­ness owner from the ground up. Vel­lum cre­ates tools, ser­vices, and train­ing for small busi­ness own­ers to man­age and min­i­mize their legal risks from start to fin­ish. It’s the Inside-out Legal way.

Legal Tools

We’ve designed legal tools at Vel­lum to help you do most of the leg­work on your own (this saves you lots of money and keeps costs down). You’ll go online, answer ques­tions, and get the forms and doc­u­ments you need and your attor­ney at Vel­lum will be avail­able to help you dur­ing the whole process.

Vellum’s phi­los­o­phy is sim­ple: with the right tools and learn­ing resources you can get your­self to the twenty yard line. Your Vel­lum lawyer can then take you the rest of the way for a touchdown.

Legal Ser­vices

It’s com­mon for small busi­nesses to wait to engage an attor­ney until things have gone really bad, which can be costly when all you have are expen­sive law firms who charge you by the hour. But Vel­lum helps you take a more pre­ven­tive approach where you can ask legal ques­tions, ask for legal review, request legal forms, and get guid­ance in big deci­sions. This helps pre­vent the really bad stuff from happening.

Learn­ing Centers

In this day and age busi­ness own­ers don’t hes­i­tate to use the inter­net to learn things. You can find just about any­thing on the inter­net, but it’s often dif­fi­cult to tell how good the infor­ma­tion is. With our learn­ing cen­ters you can get the legal infor­ma­tion you need to help you under­stand your legal risks. When you take the time to learn, you’ll also be much bet­ter equipped when you meet with your attor­ney. That’s what this book is for.